phantom of the opera666 a website dedcated to phantom of the opera phans

notes from the opera ghost

phantom(of the mirror) poem
notes from the opera ghost
song list
reprise of learn to be lonly
theme song : the phantom of the opera lyrics
other translations
charicter bios
phantom of the opera images
eirk's (phantoms) past

dear reader this page will tell you updates that i will be adding or that are newly added on this site please enjoy

12/30/07- dear reader i am please to infom you that i will be adding some exscripts from the play i am wirting  soon  it is about eirks(the phantoms) past (my websites version) also it tells the story of the phantom of the opera through the phantoms eyes it gets more int the phantoms point of view about being an out cast and dweling undernethe the catacombs below  the opera house and how he despises god and the human race god for giveing him such a horible fate and despises the human race for treating him like a an out cast so i will post some more info  later            
12/25/07- dear reader i am please to inform you that my play has 5 music nummbers so far i will make a list of all the songs that i have made so far

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