phantom of the opera666 a website dedcated to phantom of the opera phans

eirk's (phantoms) past

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eirk's (phantoms) past

this will tell you about the phantoms past so enjoy and remember do not tell any one ! 
it starts out like this eirk was born in a small town in france his father loved him and his sister loved him but his mother was crazy and abuseive  to him eirk wasn't born deformed he was actuly normal looking but his mother hated him and whiped him and burnd him cut him on the right side of his face and poored acid on his face becuse he was smart and good looking his father was at work almost all the time and he had no idea what was going on between eirk and his mother he was pretty smart for his age  at 3 he could compose music the worst beating he got was when he was 4 he try to call his mother mommy but his mother yelld at him and told him not to call her that so she took him and lit a match to his face then brought him over to the stove and put his face over he then punched his mother and she got knoked out and when his father came home he said what happend here and eirk said noithing about it when his mother awoke she said did you tell him and eirk said no i didn't  tell him then she hit him his sister came down and  her name was christine asked eirk what happend he said mom did it she got so mad she went and hit her mother then her mother stabbed her when his father came home he saw christine laying there almost dead and he asked what happend and his mother said eirk did it but his father did not belive her so he took chrisine to the docters she did live but then his mother tryed to satb him but she missed and hit him in the right eye(so that is why one eye is whtied out in the play)his father came home and saw and took eirk to the docters and he said he is blind in that one eye so after that his father ran away with christeine and left eirk so eirk went over to his girl friends house her name was christiene(thats why in the play he loves christine because he thinks it his childhood friend the singer christiene his his friends daughter) asked can i stay with you until i die but her parents said no you have to go live with your parents so his mother sold him to the freak show his titel was ''the liveing corpse'' the ripped his lips at the show(thats why in the play his lips  were swolen) so after a couple of years there his sisster and father saw him and they could not belive it at the age 16 when his master was about to rip his lips again he strangeld him and mademe giry rescued him.
  the phantoms full name is  EIRK PHANTOM MULLHIEM
                                          signd : O.G (phantom of the opera666)

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