phantom of the opera666 a website dedcated to phantom of the opera phans

charicter bios
phantom(of the mirror) poem
notes from the opera ghost
song list
reprise of learn to be lonly
theme song : the phantom of the opera lyrics
other translations
charicter bios
phantom of the opera images
eirk's (phantoms) past

phantom aka erik: eirk was born in a small town in france he was loved by his sister and father but abused by his mother who destroyd his face and at five he wound up in a ferak show at 16 he was found by madem giry  and brought to live in the opera house in the 11 years he lived there he worked on his opera don juan he fell for the young soprano singer christine daae he was in love with her and he wanted her with him so they can boath be happy
christine: was born in sweeden and later fell for her child hood friend raoul and when her father was about dead they lived in the opera house and when he died she stayed there later after the primma donna carlotta left she took over her part in think of me. and later falls for the phantom but relizes hes a crazy muderur and she wants nothing to do with him
raoul: raoul is the viscomte of paris after his mother and dad died his older brother comte phillp took care of him later he became the operas  patron but sworn ennimies with erik he wants eirk dead so he and christine love each other for ever
carlotta: the primma donna of the opera shes wiked and mean she hates almost evrey one after her fall at the opera she hated christine and she wanted to be the star
maddam giry: madam giry is the oldest member of the opera house she cares for the phantom and rescues him from the freak fair  and brought him to live in the opera house
meg : she is madam girys daughter she never knew her father and lived in the opera house since she was born.
missoure andre&firmen : the 2 mangers who own the opera they hate the phantom
piangi: is carlottas husband who gets killed by the phantom during eirks opera don juan
jhosph boket: is the stage hand in the opera house who got killed by the phantom during the opera il muto

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