phantom of the opera666 a website dedcated to phantom of the opera phans

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this is a poem that resident of box 5 made she is a member of phantoms mask another phan site it is realy pretty it made me cry so please enjoy
                                                                     signd O.G
 Phantom (of the mirror)

You always look in that mirror
Trying to decipher why god gave you such a fate
You never let anyone in; even if you did. You get hurt
One way or another
Your mother…
So much hate in that house. So much rage boiled over to abuse.
You look back and forth through dreams and memories
Your genius mind unrelenting causing you so much pain
But it also gives you so much direction in the end
Perhaps when you look in that mirror and you take off that mask
You see a monster, you see someone you hate
But in reality all you see is your inner self
And the demon reality created and warped out of you. 

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